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   Hey,I'm trying to get all my ducks in a row to convert my '93 Exploder to a manual-shifted Transfer Case and still need a few parts. I need the shifter,complete with the pivot bolt and the tab to attach the shifting rod to the shifting fork in the T/C,and a set of locking hubs,with the related wheel bearing nuts,jam-nuts and springs,etc. Stock ones are fine,I'm not that rough on drivetrain. If anyone has spares they won't need,let me know what you want for them and I'll give it a go. BTW-I'm told the shifter from a B-II or Ranger with a manual T/C is a bolt-in,but since I don't have one of THOSE to spare EITHER,I guess I won't know,unless YOU can clue me in.

While I have it apart for this,I'll be replacing the ENTIRE clutch,including hydraulics,since I already have everything for it.

Not sure if I can get this done before next Spring,as I also have a Toyota truck I need to swap both axles and all the springs from my "rolling wreck" into,as well as installing a new clutch,which I can't do until I replace the engine and clutch on mt Chevy one ton truck,so I'll have something to haul/tow with. (I have a feeling this Toyota will become a much more extensive project than I wanted it to be. Anyway,any help,knowledge or advice is appreciated. Thanks!!   


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I got a shifter from a friend,but still need the pivot bolt. I have a ball valve handle that almost fits the transfer case,I think with a little careful filing I can make it fit. Then all I need to do is cut it down to the right length,drill a hole for the shift rod end to go into and engineer an adjuster of some sort for the rod,in case the length isn't exactly right. (I suspect this shifter is off a full size Ford truck,so I don't know if it mounts in the same place on the transmission.) I ALSO need to find out what size the threads are for the pivot bolt,I think I'll have to make one to get the right shape. I'll STILL need a set of locking hubs.

   I was told the ABS and Cruise Control are somehow linked to each other on the Explorer (Through the ECM??) so,if the ABS fails to work,it's likely the Cruise won't work either. Sounds weird to me,but I've seen weirder things designed into vehicles.

I'm hoping to avoid the wrecking yards,since the closest one to me is a 100 mile round trip.


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  • 4 months later...

I think whatever parts I get will have to be from a Ranger,since many of them were equipped with the drivetrain I want,while I OWN the only Explorer I've ever seen with a manual transmission and I've never found one that didn't have electronic Four Wheel Drive/automatic hubs.


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