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Posts posted by Lineman26

  1. Thanks that should get me pointed in the right direction I think my Machinest has build several 4.6 strokers but wants me to bring him the videos so he can watch them to make sure everything is right I got my rods today what do you guys think about ordering a crank from the local part store I think it was 189.00$ with a 40$ core all the ones I looked at on eBay and other sources were 300 to 400$ and the one drone the parts store has the shorter nose on it so I won't have to have it milled or buy a spacer and also what do you guy thinks about the engine kit from northern auto parts of coarse I will be upgrading everything I can http://www.northernautoparts.com/part/ek-ek0026 thanks in advance for all your input

  2. I am in the beginning stages of building my 4.6 stroker and really just need a push in the right direction and some help on parts selection.  First off let me start by saying this will be my daily driver/ trail rig I want this to be a dependable build and not something I have to turn wrenches on every weekend so I can make it to work on Monday . I have a 91 yj I went a bought a junk yard motor for my build it came out of a 91 Cherokee but after getting it home and after further inspection the motor is actually a 94 block is in pretty good shape cylinders all look good . I am ordering my rebuild kit from northern auto parts with upgraded Molly rings. The parts that I need help on are valve springs and cam shaft not really sure what to go with are the things I have read on valve springs all the parts are not available anymore and there are so many cams to chose from not really sure what to go with and also if I should go with a high volume oil pump or not thanks any and all advice will be greatly appreciated thanks Walter

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